Ginger Pecan Cream Cheese Grapes

Yield: 30 grape appetizers
Cook Time: 5 minutes (for roasting pecans in the oven)
Tips: May be made in advance and stored in refrigerator until ready to serve.
Suggestion: Serving with toothpicks is recommended for easy taking.
Are you searching for grape appetizer recipes? Whether you're looking for grape appetizer recipes or are just browsing around for some fun and easy party food, if you'd like to try a new and uniquely-tasting appetizer that has great eye appeal and a combination of interesting textures, these Ginger Pecan Cream Cheese Grapes are a great place
to start! Seedless grapes are coated with cream cheese that has been combined with some finely chopped crystallized ginger, then the cream cheese coated grapes are rolled in finely chopped toasted pecans and chilled. (Crystallized ginger can be found in a jar with other spices at most grocery stores - though because it is a unique spice that's not as frequently used as other spices, it's a good idea to call your grocer before you go to make sure they carry it.) The crystallized ginger has a slightly sweet taste, while the pecans offer a nutty flavor, creating tasty contrasting flavors as well as textures. Toasting the pecans is super easy - just spread them on a baking pan and pop them in a 350° F oven for 5 minutes or less until they turn slightly darker. (Just be sure to watch them closely, because they will scorch quickly!) These cold grape appetizers are great for parties and can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator, which is always a welcomed convenience!
- 6 oz. cream cheese, softened
- 2 tablespoons ifnely chopped crystallized ginger
- 30 green seedless grapes
- 1 cup pecans, toasted and finely chopped
(Note: See recipe description above to read how to roast pecans.)
In a mixing bowl, blend together cream cheese and crystallized ginger with a fork until thoroughly combined. Place a sheet of waxed paper on a plate or small baking tray or dish. Measure 1 level teaspoon of the cream cheese mixture and wrap it around each grape, then roll in your palms (as you would when making meatballs) to evenly coat grape. Place each grape on waxed paper, then chill in refrigerator for about 15 minutes.
Place toasted and chopped pecans on a plate or small tray with sides or in a bowl. Once cream cheese-coated grapes have chilled, roll each grape in the pecans until evenly coated and return to waxed paper. Chill again until pecans seem firmly stuck to cream cheese. Serve (preferably with toothpicks).
Place toasted and chopped pecans on a plate or small tray with sides or in a bowl. Once cream cheese-coated grapes have chilled, roll each grape in the pecans until evenly coated and return to waxed paper. Chill again until pecans seem firmly stuck to cream cheese. Serve (preferably with toothpicks).